Synopsis: Les and Vika go on a
road trip across the Siberian Tiega. Despite the cold, they manage to keep each other
warm as they drive through the winter wonder land. As the Siberian winter closes in, Les
is kept warm by his adoptive family and Vika begins to feel left out from the adult fun
and games of her mother and sister. The Solinski's decide to celebrate the American
holiday of Thanksgiving and Les finds himself very thankful for something the Puritans
would not have approved of.
When they arrived Vika was munching on a roll and
had a bottle of chocolate milk. She had a gym bag of clothes and a knapsack with snacks
and dolls. I threw the luggage in the back of the truck, unplugged the headbolt heater and
we were on our way, it was -25C.
During the night some broken clouds had
worked their way in on a breeze from the southeast but the weather for the trip looked
pretty good, by Siberia standards. It's about 300 km from Baykit to Tura, 'as the crow
flies,' but a good 450 km driving. The road to Tura started out going north to a village
named, of all things, Baykitskiy, just a small hamlet of falling down wooden houses with
galvanized steel roofs. There is one little shop where an Evenki woman sells canned
goods and some drinks. She chatted in a friendly way with Vika while I got us some
chocolate bars, I had stopped more as a reason to stretch our legs than anything
Leaving Baykitskiy the road became considerably worse-at least less well
traveled. During the summer this part of the trip is often not possible as the track
becomes little more than two mud ruts, but in winter with the ground frozen and snow
packed, it wasn't too bad. Also, now that the rivers were frozen the fords are easy and, at
the larger rivers, you're not subject to the whims of a ferryman who might or might not
be passed out drunk on the far side.
As I drove, making 50 or 60 kph, Vika
played next to me. For a while she had a Gameboy, then she drew and colored in a book,
then she pulled out a couple of dolls and they had a long conversation in Russian. By 10
or 11 she was drooping and I was having to shake my head and drink another cup of
Vika put her hood up and leaned her head against the door and I watched
as her eyes closed and her mouth opened. Frost collected on the window where her
breath hit it. After a while, she slid forward a bit when I had to slow down to get around
a downed limb in the road. Her cheek hit the cold window and she came awake for a
moment, then flopped over onto the seat. She looked to be scrunched up uncomfortably
so I lifted and turned her so her head was in my lap, between my stomach and the
steering wheel. I loosened her seatbelt and she rolled onto her back, her legs bent, feet
against the door, facing up.
Driving, I could look down into the girl's face. I
brushed some of the blonde hair to the side and tucked it into her hood. Her mouth was
open, she snored softly, and she even had her eyes slightly open.
Vika had a
wide, rounded face, domed forehead, pixy nose and wide lips over a small chin. Those
lips seemed to always be in a mischievous smile that gave a lovely emphasis to her
freckled cheeks. Although her hair was yellow, she had brown eyes. In the relative
warmth of the truck, she had unzipped her hot pink bunny suit (one piece) down to the
belt. She was wearing a blue turtle-neck sweater underneath. After a while I let my hand
drop while shifting gears and rested it on her ribs.
We were in one of the areas of
rolling hills between major rivers and the road made gentle curves through the forest as I
drove along in forth gear. The sun came in and out through the clouds, only occasionally
would I pass a truck coming in the other direction. As we topped a small rise in an area
with few trees the road suddenly dropped into a narrow ravine. I downshifted, then
worked my way down into the trees. There was a ditch to cross at the bottom where a
small stream crossed the road, it required second gear (I was staying in 4 wheel drive) to
climb out and the engine whined as we went up the other bank.
Vika woke up
and moved around some, getting flatter on her back, now one of her knees was pointing
up along the back of the seat while the other was pointing at the glove compartment. As
we topped the rise, I shifted back into fourth. Because of her moving around, the top of
her snow suit was pulled more open and, when I put my hand back down, my fingers
were on the thick suit while my palm was on her sweater. Taking a chance, I moved my
hand back, then forward under the suit, feeling her ribs through the sweater. She moved
around a little in her sleep, pressing my fingers against her side with her left elbow while
she put her right hand on top of mine.
After a couple of minutes I had to shift
again, down to third, then back up into fourth and I slid my hand right back under her
snow suit, this time pushing it a little deeper down along her side. I moved my hand up
and down, sort of petting her side, the feeling of her light ribs and small frame was
wonderful. I moved my hand further down to where the belt of the snow suit cinched
against her stomach. We drove along like that for quite a while, my hand was warm and
even a little sweaty. I hit a large bump and this woke her slightly. She rolled onto her
side and curled up in a fetal position, her right hand on my thigh under her cheek. I
pulled her hood back and admired her soft, relaxed face as she slept, drooling in my
About 35 km out of Surinda, where I planned to stop for fuel and lunch,
the road crossed a sizable river. When I came up to it I stopped to check the ice.
Someone had put in flags across the ice to mark the way but I had been warned that thin
patches can appear unexpectedly where water is flowing.
"Vika, honey," I said.
She sat up, stretching and looking around, blinking in the bright light.
76;." [I need to go check the ice.]
I stepped out of the truck, taking my parka and pulling it on. Even though I was only
outside without my coat for a few seconds, I was still chilled and a strong shiver ran
down my frame. I pulled my stocking cap down over my ears and pulled the hood up.
Then, with my hands shoved deep in the pockets, I walked out on the ice.
road was marked by small triangular red flags stuck in the snow on re-bar poles. It
curved to the right and moved up the river for about half a kilometer before crossing to
the far side and climbing up the bank. The entire length packed snow covered the ice and
some recent tracks from large trucks attested to its thickness. My breath was blowing
over my shoulder in the light wind, puffs of white vapor, and the wind chilled my face.
Still, in the sun, it was really quite pleasant and the scenery was astounding. When I
turned around my dirty red truck looked out of place ugly.
When I made it back
to the truck I didn't see Vika, then a movement in blue to the side of the road caught my
eye. I took a step up the snow bank, she was among the trees. She was squatting down,
her pink butt facing the road, a trickle of steaming piss freezing in the snow. She had left
her bunny suit in the truck. A couple of small final squirts, then she stood up and, at the
same time, pulled her blue flannel pants up. She turned and saw me, smiled and started
high stepping toward me.
She was gawd-awful cute, light blue sweater, darker
blue pants and thick hot pink snowboots that almost reached her knees. She came up,
smiling, running her hands up and down her arms. The sun had gone behind a cloud and
it seemed the temperature had fallen another 10 degrees.
86;!" [It's cold!]
opened the door and followed her in. It was warmer in the cab and, as I started making
my way out onto the frozen river, Vika covered herself up with the bunny suit. She
cuddled up to my arm but I had to shift a couple of times. We climbed the bank on the
other side and made our way back up hill, breaking out of the thick trees after we left the
little valley made by the river.
I was beginning to be uncomfortably warm so I
stopped and Vika helped me pull my parka off, then she used it as a blanket and we
started off again. She was cuddled up to me, my arm was around her shoulder and down
across her chest under the coat, my hand on her hip. I brushed my hand along her hip and
thigh, feeling the firm muscles under the flannel of her pants.
What Vika did next
was one of the biggest surprises I have ever had. She pulled the parka away, then hooked
her thumbs around the waist band of her trousers and pulled them away from her
stomach, showing me the wonderful pink of her belly-I could just see the top of her slit.
At the same time she looked up at me with a big smile.
I almost ran off the road!
I slid my free hand down inside her pants, feeling the smooth hairless nine year old
pussy, moving my middle finger along her small slit. She was just a little damp, more
sticky and her pussy was really very small. I had noticed that she just had a small cleft
down between her legs that didn't really extend up the front and that she had almost no
pelvic rise. Vika slid down the seat, spreading her legs wider to give me better access
but, with her sitting, I still really couldn't do much credit to her.
She hugged my
arm and lifted herself with it but, still, the situation had to be a little uncomfortable. I
was really disappointed when she said something in Russian, then pulled my hand out.
That disappointment tuned to a rush of unmitigated lust when she lay down on the seat,
putting her head in my lap, and worked her pants down over her butt and knees, then over
the top of her boots to her feet. Now, laying there with her legs spread wide (although I
couldn't see anything) she took my hand and placed it in her crotch.
Now I was
able to do a really good job of feeling her up. I started by placing my fingertips on her
sex and moving them up and down, then in a circular movement. As she began to breath
harder her slit started to get wet and it was quite natural that my middle finger should
push between her outer lips to rub her clit directly. I pushed at the opening of her vagina
and pushed at her cherry, being careful not to hurt her. Meanwhile, my cock was
straining my jeans, pushing into the back of her head as she rocked, humping my hand
and pushing her head painfully against me.
She lifted her feet off the seat and put
them on the arm rest built into the door, spreading her knees wider. One knee was against
the back of the seat, the other just brushing against the dash board. She was humping
into my hand, making small whimpering sounds, her eyes closed, mouth open, when she
caught her breath and froze in place for a second, then humped quickly two more times
and again froze, driving her head into my hard cock. She seemed to have three or four
orgasms like this before she relaxed, opening her eyes and smiling up at me.
rocked her head back and forth, noticing the hard lump against the back of her head and
the more normal mischievous smile she has crept into her face. She reached her hand
back behind her head and squeezed my dick between a thumb and finger.
I lifted,
pushing on the back of her head so she sat up, then, with one hand, I started working on
my belt as I tried to watch the road. Vika said something I didn't understand, then
pushed my hand out of the way and pulled on the belt herself. I had to lift up so she
could work the zipper down and she, very cautiously, pushed her hand down under my
briefs. I reached down and helped her, pulling my dick free.
For a few moments
she just held it, looking at it with big eyes. Then, looking questioningly up at me, she
started stoking me with her cupped hands. I leaned back into the seat, occasionally
looking down at her hands but mostly trying to keep control of the truck.
I really
wanted to feel her mouth on my cock, so I ran my hand up her back to her head and just
gave her a gentle push. She looked at me and I made a little inclination of my chin,
gesturing down-indicating. She looked down at my cock, then up at me, then she bent
down and I felt her mouth.
I leaned back and took a deep breath-awesome to be
getting a blow job from a nine year old while driving through a winter wonderland. She
bobbed and sucked, stroking me as she had seen both her mother and sister do. She
really couldn't take more than the head and a little of the shaft before pushing at the soft
warmth of the back of her throat. Her teeth scraped slightly. A couple of times she
looked up at me, wet around her mouth. As I built I reached under her and fingered her
little girl pussy, pushing at her cunt again, but I was quickly loosing
Luckily this part of the road was straight and level and it didn't take too
much concentration to drive. With my left hand on the wheel, I directed her with my
right on the back of her neck, as I started humping up into her little face.
pulled away with a start when I shot my sperm into her mouth, pumping twice before she
sat up, the rest of my cum either splashing in her face or running down my cock and over
her hands. For a moment she didn't know what to do with the goo I had sprayed in her
mouth but then she closed her eyes and swallowed. She had more of my goo on her cheek
and a couple of white balls in her hair. We both laughed and she said something in
Russian. She wiped her hands and mouth on the outside of my parka, lifting up on her
knees and giving me a good view of her naked pussy and thighs. We had to stop to
rearrange our clothes, then continued on for another 15 minutes before we came into
It was still early, only around 11:30, but we had lunch at a four table
inn, what in the US would be called a 'greasy spoon'. Sausage and fried potatoes, tea and
coke. I gassed up the truck and we started off again. The next leg of the trip was really
going to take us out into the wilds-the road was less traveled and we still had two-thirds
of the way to go. In this area there were fewer trees, at one point we dropped into a
marshy area, now frozen of course, that was at least 20 km wide. The sun was about to
set when we finally reached Nidym, a hamlet about 10 km down the river from Tura,
locally famous for a transplanted Belarusian and his three wives (helps keep him warm
during long Siberian winter nights). There is a road the sign that directed us onto the
river and the last 20 minutes of the trip was completed driving along on the ice. I found
the family Vika would be visiting and dropped her off. The girls jumped and hugged,
chattering to each other in happy voices while the women (Olga) and I made thankyous.
Then I went and found my hotel room.
Although Tura is essentially the capital of
Evenki but that really doesn't mean much. The entire city was built after 1920, so the
utilitarian architecture of Soviet Russia abounds. There have been a few churches built
since the fall of the USSR, but they are cheaply built, not buildings intended to inspire for
hundreds of years. There are the ubiquitous statues to the worker and, of course, a
monument to the solders of "The Great Patriotic War" with its eternal flame. It seems
that every city in Russia has what in the US would be called a World War Two
Memorial. Of course, if WW2 had cost 20 million US dead, we'd have that many
memorials too. Most of the buildings are typical for Siberia-unpainted wooden frame,
one story with metal roofs and white painted window frames. The larger buildings are
cement block. At the waterfront is the local steam/power plant that keeps the lights on
and heats most of the houses in town. I spent the day shuttling between half a dozen
government offices and LukOIL's offices getting my paperwork in order. It all came
together at the end of the day and I had the properly completed pink form (with yellow
and green carbons) signed-I'd head back to Baykit as soon as it started getting light
I got back to Baykit at about 2300 and hit my rack, leaving a message
on Magda's voicemail that I was home. The next morning I walked into mass confusion
and frustration at work-the facility's internet connection had gone down, it appeared
that there was a broken cable somewhere between Baykit and Kodinskiy. A few minutes
with some test equipment and I found the break-150 km south. For this management
approved a helicopter, so after an hour or so of gathering tools and equipment, I loaded it
all into the back of a Mil Mi-2 and we headed south.
It took about an hour and a
half to find the break and the cause was rather obvious-a truck had jack-knifed and
taken out a two polls next to the road. We found a clearing about 300 meters away and
walked through the snow, lugging equipment, and arrived at the scene about the same
time that a wrecker arrived to pull the truck back on the road. Well, to make a long story
short, I rode in the wrecker to Kodinskiy were I stayed the night, then rode out with the
crew that replaced one of the poles, and set the other back up with cables and braces.
Then I spent two hours in the very cold splicing the 30 fiber cable back together. I
caught a ride back to Baykit with a supervisor who had been sent out to investigate the
accident scene. I got back into town two days late, took a shower, then went over to
Magda's office, it was about 1630.
"I am going to Tura to get Vika tomorrow but
please come to home tonight, Natasha has missed you."
I really didn't need any
more encouragement.
I'll skip the preliminaries except to comment that the food
was excellent, the wine plentiful, and the company a lot of fun. During dinner, there was
some chatting between Magda and Natasha in Russian. Although I couldn't follow the
conversation, I knew they were talking about me. At one point Natasha giggled and
blushed. Later, we read to Tasha and then played cards.
As it was getting later in
the evening, Magda met me in the kitchen as I was returning from the bathroom.
"Leslie," she held the collars of my shirt with both hands, then kissed me (I was still a
little shocked every time she kissed me standing like this, our faces being level). "I want
you to say here tonight. You can drive to Baykit in morning and bed is cold in
We continued with the card game, again there was talk in Russian
about me, again Natasha laughed and blushed. Then Magda looked at me. In her crazy
matter-of-fact way and clipped English she said, "Natasha too shy to ask herself. She
want to have sexual intercourse with you."
We climbed up the ladder into the
loft. "We use my bed, it is large," Madga said. (At this point, I wasn't too sure what the
'we' meant but...oh boy). "Leslie, put clothes on Vika's bed," she pointed at the single
against the left wall and toward the back.
I pulled off my shirt, then had to sit to
work my boots off, then lost my pants. Neither of the girl-types had done anything more
than stand there watching (or not watching). Magda smiled when my half inflated cock
bounced out of my briefs. "Lay down in bed," she said.
I pulled down the cover
and slid into the sheets. Then, with Natasha facing me and Magda behind her, Magda
pulled at her daughter's shirt, then lifted it. The girl raised her arms and her mother
pulled it off over her head. Next she unclasped Natasha's training bra and pushed it
forward, uncovering the girl's cone nipples. She said something in Russian and the child
stepped out of the fuzzy bedroom slippers she had been wearing all evening. Then,
again, reaching from behind, Magda unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, then pulled
them down over her hips. It's one thing to watch an eleven year old stripping-it's
entirely another to watch her mother do it for her.
My cock was making a tent of
the covers. "Pull covers down," Magda requested. I did and she led the girl to the edge
of the bed, then took her hand and carried it to my schlong. Speaking in Russian, she
moved it up and down the shaft.
"It's very warm," Natasha said. All I could do
was groan softly.
"Lay down," Magda said. Natasha slid forward and lay down
on top of me, one of her thighs between mine, the other next to mine. I kissed her and
she sort of moved against me, our bodies making full, warm, and soft contact. As we
necked I reached down between her legs, around her ass, and started to finger her vulva
from behind. Natasha pushed her hips back, shortening my reach and opening herself
some. My finger easily slid inside her.
It was probably only a minute or so
before she had her first orgasm, a small one, shivering against me. At this, I pushed her
over onto her back and then got on my knees. Even though she could not see, she felt
were I was moving to and spread her legs, lifting her knees.
Her pussy was
pulled open for me, the two larger outer lips parted, uncovering the darker shade of her
clit ridge, then the two inner lips below, these themselves pulled slightly apart. It was
warm and slick against my tongue and the eleven year old started to breathe deeply and
hump into my face as I worked my tongue along her.
Madga had kneeled on the
floor next to the bed and was being silent as she watched me going down on her little
daughter. The view up along Natasha's belly, to her chest with the two cone-nipples
sticking up, to her flushed face was great but I couldn't help but look straight into her
mother's eyes as I brought the child to another, more intense, orgasm. From the flushed
skin and her own breathing it was obvious that, for some reason, Magda found watching
her daughter having sex a real turn on of her own. Natasha shivered and grunted, there
was a rush of wetness against my tongue.
I lifted up, on my hands and knees,
leaving the sweaty and panting girl underneath me. She was staring vacantly at the
ceiling; I looked at Magda who had a small smile on her face.
"You lay on
back," she said to me. I rolled over onto the bed, my cock pointing up. Magda stood up,
then pulled her daughter up seated. "Climb over him," she said, directing the girl onto
her knees and to crawl over me. Once she put her knee painfully on my left thigh,
pushing down with her weight before she slipped off and fell on top of
Magda worked her into position, with her knees next to my hips. I reached
up and ran my hand along the side of her face, about to pull her down to kiss me, but then
I felt Magda's hand on my cock. She was kneeling on the bed between my legs and with
one hand was holding my dick, her other was on her daughter's hip, pulling her
Natasha said 'oh!' when she felt my cock against her puss. I felt Magda's
fingers, now with both hands, brush my cock some as she used her thumbs to spread her
daughters pussy. She said something in Russian and Natasha slowly rocked back,
pushing down on my cock, sliding it inside her pussy. At the same time she raised her
head, eyes closed, and blew out a long breath. Then she started rocking back and
The little girl was so light and smooth on top of me as her lust took over
and she started rocking with greater speed and force. I watched her face and hair,
swaying with her movements, as I started to meet her, pushing my cock up inside her. I
put my hands on her ribs, my thumbs on her nipples, and rubbed them in small
Somewhere, I noticed Magda get off the bed but I was too engrossed
watching her eleven year old fuck me to notice that she stripped off her clothes. The
mattress sank when she lay down next to us, then she pulled on Natasha and we both
rolled on our sides. Now the child was between her mother and I. Natasha had one leg
hooked over my thigh, now I felt Magda's leg over mine too and her hand on my back,
my hand was between the mother and daughter. I reached over Natasha and held Magda
as all three of us started rocking.
Magda moved her hand over me, then pushed it
between me and Natasha, down and then I felt her fingernail gently scrape the top of my
cock where I went into the child's cunt. She was fingering her little girl while I fucked
her. Natasha began to wiggle and rock more, moaning slightly, burying her face into my
neck and shoulder as her breath came in pants and grunts. I looked over at Magda,
looking directly into her face. Moving my hand down between her and Natasha I felt her
wrist-she had her other hand in her crotch, masturbating herself as she also masturbated
her daughter.
Natasha was moving desperately, humping and whimpering, one
arm around my side, her other between my neck and the pillow. She clamped herself to
me with her leg and pushed her little pussy against her mother's hand and my belly. She
came, pushing hard, pushing her face against me and grunting slightly. At the same time
her mother closed her eyes, her face full of sexual tension as she also was rolled by her
self-induced climax. Just as her orgasm was passing, she opened her eyes and watched
my face as I emptied my balls into the child sandwiched between us, filling her little
girl's womb with my swimmers.
The three of us lay there in a hot, panting,
sweating pile, clutched there. After a couple of minutes, Magda sat up and pulled a
blanket over us, rejoining us. Natasha moved some, pulling her arm out from under me
and my cock slid out of her, leaving a wet gooey mess to run over her thigh and down
between us. It was a few minutes later that Magda got up and went around the house,
turning off lights. Then she climbed back into bed. Looking beyond her, out the
windows, I could see the dimly lit Siberian night.
We all went to sleep and it was
probably an hour later that I was waken up by Natasha as she worked her way out of bed,
then found her bearings and disappeared down the ladder. In the distance, I heard water
running in the pipes, then she came back up the ladder. She felt her way to her bed and
started pulling at the covers.
"Hey," I whispered, "come here."
turned toward me, "Mother doesn't let us sleep with her," she whispered back.
think tonight's different," I said.
She walked toward me until she felt the bed in
front of her. "Around this side," I said. She felt her way around the bed, I took her hand
and that oriented her, she began to sit down.
"Just a moment, let me get out," I
sat up, then swung my feet over the edge. "I need to use the bathroom."
I stood
up and Natasha lay back down. I pulled the covers up over her, to her chin, then leaned
down and kissed her forehead, then her mouth. I made my way down the ladder and
through the house to the bathroom. As I pissed I was a little amused to see the white
crusty flakes on my cock and in my dick hair-the dried remnants of my cum and
Natasha's pussy juice.
On the way back I stopped before climbing the ladder and
looked at the scenery outside, then went back through the house and into the mudroom to
look at the river. A quarter moon was close to setting, making long black shadows of the
trees across the snow. I don't know why but I opened the door and stepped out into the -
25C air, my bare feet in the tramped snow on the back stairs. The cold bit into my skin,
my breath froze in my nostrils, making them feel stiff, and my eyes began to water. I
could feel the moisture on my lips beginning to freeze. Still, the scene was awesomely
beautiful. I could see the river through the trees, a plain of pure white that rose at the far
shore where more black shadows crossed the silver snow. Through the trees a few stars
were visible; I looked up and could see Cassiopeia almost directly over head. The moon,
it's lit half pointing straight down at the horizon, was only a few degrees from setting. It
was absolutely silent, when I turned my head I could hear the bones and tendons in my
neck sliding over each other. An uncontrollable shiver ran down me, shaking my back,
the muscles in the back of my thighs and my stomach began to tighten. I took another
breath, the air stung my throat. When I blew out a cloud of vapor gathered in front of my
face. Somewhere, in the distance, I heard the cracking of ice on the river. I took another
breath, deeper and felt a pain down my throat into my lungs. One last look around and I
escaped back into the warmth.
I stepped into the sauna, gasping the hot air, my
eyes and nose were running streams, my hair was frozen. I ran my hands back and forth
over my head, freeing my hair. I stepped across the space and held, first one, then the
other foot up to the heater, warming them until I could again feel my toes. Before I
started to sweat, I left the sauna and went back to the bed.
"Come here, lay next
to me," Magda said when I gained the top of the ladder. I slid in next to
"My God, you're fridged!" she said.
"I stepped outside on the back
stairs," I said.
"You fool, you could die in five minutes," she hissed back.
"Naked in Siberia at night, faff!"
I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my
soft and cold cock against her thigh, "Not with you here," I said.
She moved
against me, reaching down, and held my cock. "I'll probably have to warm this up," she
said. She scooched down under the covers and then I felt, first her breath, then her warm
mouth enveloping my cock. She looked up, I could barely see her face, "You taste like
my daughter," she said, then she went back to sucking me off. After only a few moments
she crawled back up and sat on top of me, rocking up and down as I massaged her tits in
the failing moonlight.
Natasha lifted up and in a sleepy voice,
41;-Oh!" The rocking of the bed had awakened
Magda reached down and took her shoulders, then pulled her so her chest
was on mine. I wrapped my arm around the girl and kissed her, we explored each others
mouths with our tongues. Here I was, necking with this girl while I fucked her mom!
Magda lay down on top of Natasha, rubbing her tits on her daughter's back. With my
right hand, I reached under her and started to finger the preteen's pussy, pressing my
finger past the dried crusty into her moist warmth. We moved together like this and then,
when Natasha shivered for her fifth or sixth orgasm of the night her mother also caught
her breath and grunted, shoving down on me. Two strokes later I came, emptying my
remaining sperm into her womb. The thought crossed my mind that I might be creating a
little sister for the girls.
It was still full dark at seven in the morning when the
alarm clock woke us. Actually, things went quite smoothly, I showered while Magda
made breakfast. It was still dark when I went out to my truck and unplugged it from the
engine and battery heaters. Still, it was impossibly cold inside the cab, my breath froze
as frost on the windscreen as the engine cranked and shuddered to life. I let it idle for a
few seconds before I let the clutch out, the thick oil in the transmission slowed the engine
a good 150 RPM. I went back inside to wait for the truck to warm some. Later that
morning, Magda and Natasha left for Tura to pick up Vika.
As chance would
have it, I was shipped out to Miryuga on the same day that Magda and the girls were due
back. Actually, the trip did have one interesting part. In 1908 a commit exploded in the
atmosphere just north of Miryuga, leveling several hundred square miles of forest. Today
the downed trees still scatter the landscape, of course the forest has generally grown back.
It is estimated that tens of millions of people would have died if the strike had happened
further west in Europe. As it was, my main problem turned out to be operator error-the
equipment doesn't work if it isn't turned on, and a two day blizzard kept me in Mirygua
for a week. Two days for the blizzard, then another five waiting for the weather to clear
enough for a flight back to Baykit. When I got back I found my truck completely frozen,
the power to the engine heaters had been turned off when someone tripped over the cord
in the snow, and it had to be towed to the garage where it could warm up for a day before
it would start.
It was now late November and the whole area was pretty well
shutting down. When the temperature stops getting over -20 or so during the warmest
part of the day a lot of things have to stop. Travel becomes dangerous, your life
expectancy if you get stuck is about an hour, cars and trucks have to be kept running or
indoors and plugged in all the time-my truck was equipped with an electric blanket
around the engine in addition to oil, head, and battery heaters but I was assigned conex
box as an indoors parking place in the maintenance yard and told to keep it there at night.
When I first arrived in Baykit, I had noticed that the village seemed to be littered with
these large steel boxes, things the size small of shipping containers. It turns out that
people put their cars in these boxes at night. The residual heat form the car, along with
the use of head-bolt and battery heaters, keeps the car from freezing up. If a car is left
out in -40C even the grease in the bearings will freeze and it has to be left until spring.
Even buildings will freeze if the heat is lost, and they won't be able to be heated back up
until the spring. It's also dark a lot, the sun rises between 9 or 10, then sets before
I arrived back on a Sunday and on Monday I had lunch with Magda. "I
understand the American holiday of giving thanks is soon."
I hadn't thought of
it. "Ah, yeah,...Thanksgiving is Thursday."
"You eat turkey?"
the tradition."
"I have a goose. Will that do?" she asked.
"Wow, thank
you, Yeah, that'd be great."
Because there wasn't room for my truck in the
garage at Magda's, I either had to rely on her for rides out to house or only go when it
was predicted to be above -30, so it looked like I'd not be out there as much as before.
On Tuesday we skipped lunch and went to my apartment. I had just rolled off of her onto
my back, breathing to catch my breath. She propped her head up on one
"Tomorrow we have surprise for you," she said.
I looked over,
"Oh yeah, I bet it'll be good."
"Oh yes...maybe." She ran a fingernail down from
my throat, across my chest, down my stomach before stopping just above my cock. I
"Vika feel...left out. She little girl...not like Natasha."
"She tell me about your drive to Tura..."
I wasn't sure how
Magda felt about her nine year old giving me a blow job but I was pretty sure she
wouldn't be too upset. Then again, I really didn't know what to say.
"She say
she want to have sexual intercourse with you."
"Well," I started, "she's kind'a
small. Don't you think I'd hurt her?" The conversation was definitely interesting, to
both my heads.
"I tell her but she insist, she want to try."
"If it's alright
with you..." I said.
"We do more," Magda said. "I tell her that it hurt, that make
her bleed. Tell her it impossible unless you hurt her much by breaking hymen, she too
small. She then say she do it with finger, make herself ready. I say no but she insist so
then I offer to do it for-at office."
"Whaaaat!?" I looked over at her with
"Last Friday I excise hymen at office with local anesthetic. Use scalpel,
sterile, no pain, stop bleeding. She sore for day or two, now better."
completely rolled me over. Magda had taken her nine year old into her office, given her
Novocain to deaden the pain and cut her cherry to open her up so I could fuck her. The
whole idea blew me away...and made my cock hard.
Seeing the rise in the
covers, Magda pulled them down and started sucking me. She was an expert at deep
throat, looking up at me with her nose in my dick hair. We had to get back to work so
she didn't make it slow at all and in only a couple of minutes I came down her
"We go to dacha tomorrow after lunch," she said as we parted in the
reception area of the main building. The attendant gave me a knowing smile as I
passed-Magda's and my relationship was pretty common knowledge.
were pretty slow at work and around town that evening. I walked to the nearest bar-
brisk at -35C, downed a couple of beers with some guys from work, then got a ride back
to my place. The next day was just as slow at work, and it seemed to go slower because
of my anticipation for the evening.
Magda and I ate lunch in the canteen, then I
waited around her office while she saw a patient, and older fellow, local Evik who had
grown up herding reindeer and now worked in building maintenance. The Land Rover
was just warming up inside when we stopped at the school and picked up the
It was only around 1500 but it was twilight outside. Magda and Natasha
were putting things away in the kitchen, I was sitting in an overstuffed armchair drinking
a beer, and Vika ran by and laughed, saying something to me, before disappearing up the
ladder. I watched her wistfully, wondering how things were going to play out. A couple
of minutes later there was the sound of running overhead, then she started
When I saw Vika hit the bottom of the ladder, totally naked, my heart
started to pump in my throat. Still, I was ready for the disappointment if she walked past
me toward the sauna. However, she came right over and climbed onto my lap, facing me,
straddling my hips, and put her arms around my neck. Her expression was sort of
expectant, sort of a 'what ya goina do now?' look. My blood pressure was going way up,
somewhere in my peripheral vision I saw Magda watching us. I put my hands on her
hips, leaned forward, and pushed my tongue into her mouth.
What followed was
a rollicking, wet, slippery, way-opened mouth kiss that made my cock push painfully
against my fly. Vika ground her face against mine, leaning hard forward, pushing my
back into the chair and rubbing her chest against mine, moving up and down, breathing
hard through her mouth and nose. Obviously she had learned the art of sexy kissing from
movies, not from experience. Still, the enthusiastic, if non-sensual and somewhat
uncomfortable, kiss was just awesome-especially considering that it came from a nine
year old.
She ran her hand up and down the back of my neck-again an awkward
attempt by a little girl to be like an adult-it was just soooo sexy. I moved my hands
(gently) up and down her hips and thighs, feeling her incredibly smooth skin, then
brought them around to cup her round butt cheeks-soft, warm, smooth-
Next I pulled my right hand back and then around her front,
over her thigh and to her little pussy. I first ran the knife-edge of my finger along her slit,
then rotated my hand palm up and pushed my fingertip in between her lips, massaging
her clit and pushing at her vagina. She pressed down and pushed her knees out what little
she could considering that they were caught between my thighs and the arms of the chair.
My finger went up into the sticky warmth of her little girl cunt, up to the second knuckle.
Her eyes got big and she blew out around my mouth, then she pulled away with a
surprised look on her face.
With my right hand still buried in her pussy, I put my
left hand in the center of her back and leaned forward, pushing her light frame back into
open space. She bent back, held up only by my arm. Now her knees were bent closed
but her hips were almost straight. I lifted up, still supporting her, and looked at my hand,
the middle finger extended into her vagina, buried deep. I started finger-fucking her like
that, with her supported by my arm, ready to fall on the floor. She held onto my
shoulders, looking up with a little fear at her position, but then she began to enjoy it-I
had guessed right that this little slut would become one hell of a risk taker-considering
her position right then.
Still, as sexy as it was to watch my finger move in and
out of her hairless nine year old cunt, I couldn't continue this position for too long. I
pulled my hand away, then wrapped that arm around her ass, and stood up, turning and
then putting the child down on the chair, her shoulders on the seat and ass hanging off the
edge. I straightened up, standing over her, and started to undress.
All she did
was lay there, watching as I pulled my shirt and then my undershirt off. I leaned down to
untie my shoes and, while bent down, licked at her open slit. She giggled and jumped
when my tongue brushed her crotch. I stood back up and undid my pants. Her eyes were
big as I pulled them free of my hips and my cock stood out over her.
Now I
lowered down on my knees and buried my face in her crotch. Vika giggled and batted at
me when I started but soon she was holding her legs up, her feet in the air, and craning
her neck to watch me. I pulled on her pussy lips and clit with my lips, I figured that she'd
not mind if I wasn't all sensual and lovey. I shoved my tongue into her little girl cunt,
pressing hard to get as deep as I could, then circling her clit several times while holding
her knees up with my hands. Vika started to breath harder, humping her tiny cunt into
my face, then she grunted and broke out into a sweat. She grabbed my head and held it in
her crotch as she moved her hips. Her little slit had opened up, the inner lips pulled apart
showing the soft pink lining of her vagina, now glistening with moisture.
I lifted
my head up, she had her forehead pushed against the back of the chair, her neck bent
sharply back, the arteries in her throat were throbbing. I straightened up, looking at her
spread out little body, as ready as it would ever be, flat chest heaving, stretched belly,
hips wide with her thighs up, pussy pulled fully open and shiny.
"Here, use this,"
Magda said from next to the chair where she too was looking down at her daughter. She
put the same white tube with red lettering that she had pulled out of the examining table a
few days earlier on the arm of the chair.
I untwisted the lid, then spread some of
the white cream on the head of my cock. Shuffling forward some, I ran it up and down
her tiny slit. It seemed impossible that my dick could fit inside such a tiny pussy, the
outer lips would barely accommodate the head. I put my knob against her opening and
gently pushed.
Vika pulled her head down and looked at me, then lifted up in an
attempt to see my cock against her. I pushed a little harder and, suddenly, my cock just
popped inside her, the head and about a third of the shaft disappearing.
ahh-ah-hhh," she whispered when she felt her body invaded by my dick. We were
both surprised at how easily she had taken me. She looked at me with open mouthed
astonishment but, when I pulled back, then pushed in, her face relaxed.
It was
amazing that I could so easily fuck the tiny nine year old, entering her with almost no
force and, as far as I could tell, not hurting her at all. Still, she was incredibly tight as her
cunt squeezed down on my dickhead. I started moving with more energy and she just
seemed to soak it up, watching me and moving with me to push down in the chair as I
pushed in to her.
Her outer lips were stretched into a wide V with her nub clit at
the apex, then bent around my shaft. As I moved in and out, the ridge of the top of my
head would come into view, then disappear as just a bit of my shaft followed, pulling her
clit back and forth with it.
Vika was now moving her entire body with me, she
had pulled her legs up and out, her thighs against the arms of the chairs, her ankles
against my shoulders. I wrapped my hands around her little hips, holding her and moving
her up and down with my thrusts as the need to flood her built.
Her breaths
slowly became moans, then grunts. The pressure behind my balls was becoming
intolerable as I broke out in a sweat. With two swift jabs I started pumping her full. It
seemed that the cum would never end as it flowed into her to be squeezed out around her
cunt and smear on the inside of her thighs. I don't think I had ever blown such an
enormous load as I pumped into Vika's nine year old cunt-my orgasm seemed to go on
and on, as did hers.
Finally, with a shiver, it ended. I stayed there, bent forward
over the child, breathing hard, for a minute. My heart was pounding, it would beat a few
times, then pause, then there would be a hard 'thump' in my chest, then it would beat
again. I sank onto my heels, pulling my cock out of her. Her pussy stayed open, filled
with my white sticky. Her clit had grown to at least twice its normal size. Vika reached
down and ran her hands over her pussy, smearing the goo around. Her clit pushed
between two of her fingers as she pushed at the opening. She pushed them deep inside
herself, then pulled them out-cum covered, and looked up at her hand. Tentatively, she
sniffed them, then, without thinking, put them in her mouth.
Magda exclaimed
something in Russian and Vika looked at her, suddenly pulled back to this world. She
laughed and smiled around her fingers, then pulled them out and said something to her
mom. They said a few words, then Magda brushed her hair away and leaned down and
kissed her daughter's sweaty forehead. She looked at me.
"You very good to my
little one," she said. Then she reached down and grabbed my soft but gooy cock, pulling
it gently. "I think my girls will want to take this from me."
Magda led a shaky
Vika from the room and pushed her up the ladder. I hadn't noticed that Natasha had
disappeared. I got up and went into the bathroom-I had to piss. I was still overheated
and, remembering the night before, I stepped outside into the dim almost night and -35C
degree air. After only a minute or so I went back in and found Tasha in the
She had obviously been in there for a while, her skin was red and she was
streaming with sweat, her hair was soaked. I didn't know what to say when I sat down
across from her. It was awkward...I had to say something.
"How long have you
been here?"
"I don't know-a while."
Again silence.
"You look
like you've been long enough," I said. "You may be getting too hot."
She stood
up and brushed past me. I heard the door to the mud room close, then the creaking to the
spring that kept the outside door. Obviously she was pissed. There was more movement
in the hallway, I heard Magda and Vika, then the water in the shower started. I sat and
waited-2, 3 minutes. I was about to go out to find Natasha when the door opened and
she came in again. Now there was ice in her hair, her skin was patches of white and red.
She had her arms crossed over her chest and was shivering-her lips were bluish
She sat down, a powerful shiver went through her. Melting snow ran
down her back.
"You rolled in the snow?"
"Yes, the river's frozen."
Her voice was curt.
"You're mad a me," I said. "I'm sorry, I don't want you
She raised her head, facing me, started to say something, then stopped,
then started again. "I don't know how to feel, Leslie. Tell me."
I was definitely
conflicted, she made me feel like a slug, then again, I was also being used (as was she) by
her mother and also, I felt a lot of affection for all of them.
We were silent again
for a while, then she said, "I'll sleep in my own bed for a while." She got up and
The water had stopped running in the shower, I was beginning to feel
uncomfortably hot and was thinking about a roll in the snow when Magda stuck her head
through the door. "Your clothes are in bathroom. Shower and come help make dinner."
She started to close the door, then stopped. "I talk to Natasha." The door
I did step out on the back stairs for a minute before taking a long shower.
When I went into the kitchen the smells of dinner cooking were great.
calmed down over the evening and, around 2200 and after several card games, the girls
disappeared up the ladder. Magda suggested that I spend the night downstairs and we put
sheets and blankets on the couch together. After a really sexy kiss she went up the ladder
and I lay down. It was about 2 AM when Magda slid into the covers with me but she was
gone again in the dim morning.